The Mighty Ducks (The Animated Series) Episode Guide

Like most cartoons in the 90s, the Mighty Ducks show aired its episodes out of order. Here is the official production order of the episodes, and the order we will be covering them on The Mightiest Quack.

The first number is the AIR DATE, or the episode number on Disney+. These are listed in correct viewing order below. A special thanks to The Dragon's Den for supplying tis information. 

01. First Face Off  (Part 10 

02. First Face Off  (Part 2)

17. Power Play

04. A Traitor Among Us

18. Phil In The Blank

16. Microducks

15. Take Me To Your Leader

05. Dungeons & Ducks

24. Mondo Man

03. Buzz Blitzman: Mighty Duck

08. Puck Fiction

20. The Human Factor

21. Jurassic Puck

13. Mad Quacks Beyond Hockeydome

19. Beaks Vs B.R.A.W.N.

09. The Return of Dr. Droid

07. Duck Hard

10. The Return of Asteroth

06. Beak To The Future

14. The Most Dangerous Duck Hunt

22. Monster Rally

23. Zap Attack

11. To Catch a Duck

12. The Iced Ducks Cometh

25. Bringing Down Baby

26. The Final Face Off
